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AUTOMATA - Video Installation
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We Drift Like Troubled Water, 2016
13:50 min, High-definition video, color, sound;
Video: found footages, animated still images. Sound: found sound, original sound mixes.
This is an experimental documentary about Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut to go to space. In NASA's last manned mission to space to date--STS-107, the Columbia space shuttle tragically crashed on re-entry to earth after 16 mission days, in 2003. Ramon and six other crew members were killed.
The Wilderness, 2013
05:42 min, High-definition video, color, sound;
Video: Found footages. A webcam located in a national park in Alaska.
Sound: found recordings. T. S. Eliot reading poems from "The Four Quartets".
Last Unknown Location, 2015
05:32 min, High-definition, multi-channel video, color, sound;
original footages. Found sounds and mixed materials.
A Guided Stillness, 2013
02:17 min, High-definition video, color, sound;
A tour inside a 360º panoramic frame of a mountain in Switzerland
Observing outwards ≤ Expending Inwards, 2012
02:27 min, loop, High-definition, 4-channel video, color, sound;
Video: Found footages.
Sound: Original mix.
The 4-Channel Video is constructed from various time-lapse footages from astronomy observatories and telescopes from around the world. Other sources of material are found webcams time lapse videos.
The work focuses the gaze on the subtlety between observing outwards, into space, and inwards at the means of observation, focusing on form, shape and function. Each Channel video has unique sound patterns that matches the others, adding an acoustic collage that ties the visuals together.
Food Demo Number I, 2013
01:56 min, High-definition video, color, sound;
Video: original footages.
Sound: Found sound, from the NASA archives.
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